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Here's Blackie, Johns Jeep, piloted by Travis
Here's one of the ponds that dried up. John just wanted a pic of some mud. Get it a little dirty he says . . . . fat chance. He wanted to get it covered.

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These are a few of my favorite photographs from my different travels. Feel free to browse them as you like. If you want one click your right mouse button and choose "Save As" from the menu.

Here's Peepers strutin 8 to 10 inches of lift! ! !!
You get sprung!!! 2inch body, shackels, revolvers in the rear, CV shaft, detroits, and 35 swampers.
So where's the voltures
Here's the bottom of one of the hill climbs. Peepers gota sprung before leaving Clear Lake. Well, later on Derick found out how much spring wrap was there. He ended up breaking two sets of straps.
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These are a few of my favorite photographs from my different travels. Feel free to browse them as you like. If you want one click your right mouse button and choose "Save As" from the menu.